The Best Supplement for Rapid Fat Loss – L Carnitine


What is L Carnitine?

L Carnitine is most commonly known to help the body produce energy by freeing up fatty acids, which has been said to aid fat loss.

It is often mistaken for an amino acid but is actually synthesised in the body from amino acids, lysine and methionine.

L Carnitine is produced in the liver and kidneys in addition to being available through animal sources – predominantly red meat and dairy – and conveniently enough, supplement form.

A study in The Journal of Physiology provides evidence that L-Carnitine supplements enhance athletic/physical performance, which additionally contributes to creating leaner muscle mass!

The average human body contains around 20g of stored L Carnitine, the majority found within the skeletal muscle.

However, this is not an effective amount for individuals to benefit from L Carnitine’s great health benefits, in which additional  doses are often consumed by individuals for maximum results.

How does it work?

L Carnitine is primarily concentrated in tissues which predominantly use fat for energy, such as skeletal and cardiac muscle (e.g. biceps and heart).

It acts as a bridge for long chain fatty-acids from food (including the nasty stuff) to be carried into small, sweat-collecting cells inside larger cells, namely known as mitochondria.

The process then consists of the fatty acids being metabolised (broken down) to use as energy, or as most sports-people would see it – fuel for efficient exercise.

It is somewhat different to medium/short chain fatty acids which can freely pass into a cell. (1)

As you can imagine, having a sufficient amount of L Carnitine in your body could immediately prevent frustrating muscle fatigue and have a positive effect on poor motivational levels, induced by a lack of energy – whether you’re a bodybuilder, athlete or gym goer!

A stored reserve of the non-essential amino acid can aid the conversion of fat to fuel:


More L Carnitine = More training fuel = Better results!

The benefits of L Carnitine

L Carnitine is linked with benefits in a number of capacities, including:


– Fat loss

– Increased athletic performance

– Better health and well being

– Increased concentration levels.

Dosage and when to take

The recommended dose is 2-3g per day – this can be taken at different times of the day depending on the reason for using the supplement – however, it is usually recommended to consume between meals.

For those using it for performance reasons, it is best to take around 30-60 minutes pre-workout.

For fat loss benefits, some suggest consuming L Carnitine post-workout, however, it can be taken throughout the day, in between meals as mentioned – even in split servings (e.g. 1g per 2 capsules/ 1g powder scoop, morning, and afternoon/morning and night/afternoon and night).


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