Nutrients that promote weight loss


The relationship between nutrients and weight loss is important for those who want to lose weight in a healthy, effective way. Almost 70-80% of effective weight loss plans rely on diet alone which proves that certain amounts of food and the kinds of nutrients you put in your body may be your single most effective way of dropping the pounds. Nutrition weight loss takes into consideration more than just supplementing your diet with multi-vitamins. It includes portion sizes when you eat certain foods and the kinds of foods you should eat for specific results.

If you do research on various strategies to lose weight, you will find thousands of different quick fix programs available today.

Nutrients and weight loss

Losing weight isn’t just about cutting calories, as a low-calorie diet can do more harm than good if you aren’t getting the right nutrients. A well-balanced diet contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals, and you also need to drink plenty of water. These are the nutrients that can help you lose weight.

Dietary fiber for weight loss

Dietary fiber helps you feel fuller after a meal, which can reduce your diet to a snack and facilitate dieting.

You should Increase the intake of fiber into your body by eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for weight loss

Omega-3 fatty acids aren’t quite the same as the fats listed on the food pyramid. Bad fats, such as trans fats can inhibit weight loss. But good fats, such as the omega-3 fatty acids found in eggs and fish, can help you lose weight because they increase your energy levels and keep you feeling full longer.

Calcium for weight loss

Adults need 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. Taking in calcium will help your bones maintain their proper strength and keep up its density.

It will help prevent osteoporosis and regulate your blood pressure. Studies suggest that the recommended daily amount of calcium can also help you lose weight.

Vitamin D for weight loss

Vitamin D is important for calcium intake, but many adults do not consume it enough.

Your skin can produce its own vitamin D by absorbing ultraviolet sunlight. But if you use sunscreen, it is very likely that your skin does not get enough UV rays to produce vitamin D. Liver meat and fish oil are rich in vitamin D and milk and other dairy products are fortified with vitamin D as well.

Iron for weight loss

Iron deficiency anemia is the world’s most common mineral deficiency. If you are chronically and always getting tired, you are probably suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

Intake of Iron into the body will help oxygenate the red blood cells. If you are not getting enough iron, the cells in your body can not get the oxygen they need to function properly.

Zinc for weight loss

This mineral, which is found in all tissues of the body, may be the best product for your metabolism.

Zinc helps your thyroid to produce hormones that regulate your metabolism. You should get at least eight milligrams per day (that’s roughly the amount in three ounces of pumpkin seeds—which are a great source, by the way).